Apocalipse Invertido [Inverted Apocalypse] shows an image found in an evangelization book that reads “Brazil and the Apocalypse”. Applied upside down to the façade, the image appears incomplete, as if the job of assembling the work had been abandoned halfway. Ianni dug away the large wall at the entrance to Vermelho, where hundreds of projects had been carried out, looking for thepictorial construction of the inverted image. The work plays with the end of the world as an instrument of blocking the imagination, through fear, and as a possibility of reinvention.
Apocalipse Invertido [Inverted Apocalypse] shows an image found in an evangelization book that reads “Brazil and the Apocalypse”. Applied upside down to the façade, the image appears incomplete, as if the job of assembling the work had been abandoned halfway. Ianni dug away the large wall at the entrance to Vermelho, where hundreds of projects had been carried out, looking for thepictorial construction of the inverted image. The work plays with the end of the world as an instrument of blocking the imagination, through fear, and as a possibility of reinvention.