Galeria Vermelho and Galeria Leme present two individual, simultaneous and complementary exhibitions by Mônica Nador + JAMAC. Opening on the 18th of March at Leme and the 23rd at Vermelho, these exhibitions will show works from the 1990s until today.
O político na arte, de novo [Politics in art, again] and O espiritual na arte, de novo [Spirituality in art, again] take place in Vermelho and Leme, respectively. Both exhibitions will occupy the spaces designed by the architect Paulo Mendes da Rocha exploring spatially the installation of the works, including the mural paintings, known as Paredes Pinturas [Wall Paintings], developed by Mônica Nador + JAMAC since the early 2000’s.
The exhibitions will bring seminal works of Mônica Nador’s trajectory, such as the large-scale paintings Mamãe Natureza [Mother nature] (1990), Para ver [To See] (1988) and A arte [The Art] (1989), as well as recent works from the series Pano Parede [Fabric wall], elaborated together with JAMAC. Series of etchings and screen printings will contrast the scale of other works to show distinct strategies to systematically fill the space – trademark of Nador’s works.
Galeria Vermelho and Galeria Leme present two individual, simultaneous and complementary exhibitions by Mônica Nador + JAMAC. Opening on the 18th of March at Leme and the 23rd at Vermelho, these exhibitions will show works from the 1990s until today.
O político na arte, de novo [Politics in art, again] and O espiritual na arte, de novo [Spirituality in art, again] take place in Vermelho and Leme, respectively. Both exhibitions will occupy the spaces designed by the architect Paulo Mendes da Rocha exploring spatially the installation of the works, including the mural paintings, known as Paredes Pinturas [Wall Paintings], developed by Mônica Nador + JAMAC since the early 2000’s.
The exhibitions will bring seminal works of Mônica Nador’s trajectory, such as the large-scale paintings Mamãe Natureza [Mother nature] (1990), Para ver [To See] (1988) and A arte [The Art] (1989), as well as recent works from the series Pano Parede [Fabric wall], elaborated together with JAMAC. Series of etchings and screen printings will contrast the scale of other works to show distinct strategies to systematically fill the space – trademark of Nador’s works.
27,5 x 61 cm
Etching on paper
Photo Filipe Berndt21 X 61 cm
Etching on paper
Photo Filipe Berndt21,5 x 61,5 cm
Etching on paper
Photo Filipe BerndtIn Dando Bandeira, Mônica Nador, bruno o. and JAMAC create flags that celebrate militant women in Latin America.
flag 1
Renata Carvalho
Claudia Celeste
flag 2
Débora Silva
Marielle Franco
flag 3
Carolina Maria de Jesus
Conceição Evaristo
flag 4
Maria da Penha
Nise da Silveira
flag 5
Nilce de Souza Magalhães
Joênia Wapichana
flag 6
Margarida Alves
Zuca Fonseca
396 x 200 cm (each flag)
Digital print on fabric
Photo Filipe BerndtIn Dando Bandeira, Mônica Nador, bruno o. and JAMAC create flags that celebrate militant women in Latin America.
flag 1
Renata Carvalho
Claudia Celeste
flag 2
Débora Silva
Marielle Franco
flag 3
Carolina Maria de Jesus
Conceição Evaristo
flag 4
Maria da Penha
Nise da Silveira
flag 5
Nilce de Souza Magalhães
Joênia Wapichana
flag 6
Margarida Alves
Zuca Fonseca
120 x 200 cm
Acrylic paint on canvas
Photo Filipe Berndt223 x 25,5 cm
silkscreen on fabric
Photo Filipe Berndt
121 x 23 cm
silkscreen on fabric
Photo Filipe Berndt
110 x 65 cm
silkscreen on fabric
Photo Filipe Berndt
79,5 x 44,5 cm
silkscreen on fabric
Photo Filipe Berndt
237 x 70,5 cm
silkscreen on fabric
Photo Filipe Berndt
276 x 335 cm (7-part polyptych)
silkscreen on fabric
Photo Filipe Berndt
silkscreen on wall
silkscreen on wall
silkscreen on wall
silkscreen on wall
silkscreen on wall
silkscreen on wall
silkscreen on wall
silkscreen on wall
120 x 180 cm
Acrylic on canvas
Photo Filipe Berndt159,5 x 160,5 cm
Acrylic paint on paper, stencil application on kraft paper
Photo Filipe Berndt159 x 160 cm
Acrylic paint on paper, stencil application
on kraft paper
160 x 160 cm
Acrylic paint on paper, stencil application on kraft paper
Photo Filipe Berndt30 x 22,5 cm
Etching on paper
Photo Filipe Berndt30 x 22,5 cm
Etching on paper
Photo Filipe Berndt29,8 x 22,2 cm
Etching on paper
Photo Filipe Berndt320 x 320 cm - four parts
Acrylic on canvas
Photo Filipe Berndt215 cm in diameter
Acrylic on canvas
Photo Filipe BerndtQuando convidados a expor seu trabalho, Mônica Nador + JAMAC promovem oficinas com um grupo de pessoas da cidade ou instituição com a qual vão trabalhar. A partir dessas experiências, são gerados desenhos, que se tornam estênceis, utilizados nas pinturas produzidas para a exposição. Na série Estamparada, várias imagens geradas nas oficinas são sobrepostas a um acúmulo de 19 anos de atividades do JAMAC.
When invited to exhibit their work, Mônica Nador + JAMAC promote workshops with a group of people from around the city or institution with which they are going to work. From these experiences, drawings are generated, which become stencils, which will be used in the paintings produced for the exhibition. In the Estamparada series, several images generated by workshops are superimposed on an accumulation of 19 years of JAMAC’s activities.
68 x 243 cm + 68 x 241 cm
silkscreen on fabric
Photo Filipe BerndtQuando convidados a expor seu trabalho, Mônica Nador + JAMAC promovem oficinas com um grupo de pessoas da cidade ou instituição com a qual vão trabalhar. A partir dessas experiências, são gerados desenhos, que se tornam estênceis, utilizados nas pinturas produzidas para a exposição. Na série Estamparada, várias imagens geradas nas oficinas são sobrepostas a um acúmulo de 19 anos de atividades do JAMAC.
When invited to exhibit their work, Mônica Nador + JAMAC promote workshops with a group of people from around the city or institution with which they are going to work. From these experiences, drawings are generated, which become stencils, which will be used in the paintings produced for the exhibition. In the Estamparada series, several images generated by workshops are superimposed on an accumulation of 19 years of JAMAC’s activities.
225 x 144 cm
Acrylic on canvas
Photo Filipe Berndt120 x 200 cm
Acrylic on canvas
Photo Filipe Berndt120 x 200 cm
Photo Filipe Berndt374,5 x 70,5 cm
Screen printing on fabric
Photo Filipe Berndt32 x 146 cm
Screen printing on fabric
Photo Filipe Berndt160 x 160 cm
Acrylic on canvas
Photo Filipe Berndt160 x 160 cm
Acrylic on canvas
Photo Filipe Berndt