The Sala Antonio projection room and Silvia Cintra + Box 4 presents two films by Nelson Leirner shot in Super 8 in 1975. Complementary, both works show the consumer society of their time. In the first film, the concept of beauty and the consumption of fashion, show an alienated society removed from the bureaucracy surrounding it. In the second film the viewer is confronted with the food production system where animals are bred for slaughter.
Homenagem a Steinberg – Variações sobre um Tema de Steinberg: As Máscaras No 1 is an ironic portrait of the consumer society with characters using supermarket bags as masks amid growing agitation.
The title references artist and cartoonist Saul Steinberg, known for his acid criticism of North-American society, particularly New York’s, during the second half of the 20th century.
In A Rebelião dos Animais, animals raised for human consumption watch images portraying their life in captivity and subsequent processing by the meat industry. In the following scenes, the anthropomorphic animals are seen feasting on each other.
The making of this film followed an homonymous exhibition at MASP (Museu de Arte de São Paulo) in 1974, showing works and drawings by Leirner with harsh critique of the military rule. Leirner was awarded the APCA (Associação Paulista dos Críticos de Arte) prize as the exhibition of the year. In the exhibition’s catalog, Flávio L. Mota wrote: “It has been said that ‘the hand is the window through which we glimpse the difficulties of thought’. But Nelson’s drawings might lead us to say, the hand is the window through which we glimpse the pain of thought; a thought that is freed through creative work as it seeks to restore the human integrity necessary to go on living. The drawings call our attention to the human conflict of that moment in history.“
The Sala Antonio projection room and Silvia Cintra + Box 4 presents two films by Nelson Leirner shot in Super 8 in 1975. Complementary, both works show the consumer society of their time. In the first film, the concept of beauty and the consumption of fashion, show an alienated society removed from the bureaucracy surrounding it. In the second film the viewer is confronted with the food production system where animals are bred for slaughter.
Homenagem a Steinberg – Variações sobre um Tema de Steinberg: As Máscaras No 1 is an ironic portrait of the consumer society with characters using supermarket bags as masks amid growing agitation.
The title references artist and cartoonist Saul Steinberg, known for his acid criticism of North-American society, particularly New York’s, during the second half of the 20th century.
In A Rebelião dos Animais, animals raised for human consumption watch images portraying their life in captivity and subsequent processing by the meat industry. In the following scenes, the anthropomorphic animals are seen feasting on each other.
The making of this film followed an homonymous exhibition at MASP (Museu de Arte de São Paulo) in 1974, showing works and drawings by Leirner with harsh critique of the military rule. Leirner was awarded the APCA (Associação Paulista dos Críticos de Arte) prize as the exhibition of the year. In the exhibition’s catalog, Flávio L. Mota wrote: “It has been said that ‘the hand is the window through which we glimpse the difficulties of thought’. But Nelson’s drawings might lead us to say, the hand is the window through which we glimpse the pain of thought; a thought that is freed through creative work as it seeks to restore the human integrity necessary to go on living. The drawings call our attention to the human conflict of that moment in history.“