Livre Tradução [Free Translation] presented works that in different ways employ procedures similar to those used in books, catalogs and encyclopedias, such as aphorisms, quotations, footnotes, translations and articles, such as Trianon (2010) from the Portuguese artist Gabriela Albergaria. The series is the result of researchs developed by Albergaria with the trees of Trianon Park. Located in the heart of São Paulo (Av. Paulista), the park is one of the very last venues inside town that preserved its original Atlantic Forest. Livre Tradução presented four polyptychs of the series, they are: Pau Ferro, Araribá Rosa, Jatobá and Jequitibá.
Maurice Ianês presented two works derived from his reflections on language employing literary and philosophical content. Ianês resumes on the works aphorisms published in Tractatus Logico-Philosophicus from Ludwig Wittgenstein, overwriting the original German version with its Portuguese one. The works depict a series of aphorisms which appear in the last pages of the book in a personal hierarchical order. Similar procedure appears in the series Marathon (2006) of Marilá Dardot that highlights sentences about forgiveness taken from books of Jorge Borges, TS Elliot and Ezra Pound. Dardot also presented the installation Glossary – to live in the big city (2008).
Livre Tradução also includeded works by Dora Longo Bahia, Leya Mira Brander, Chelpa Ferro, Detanico Lain, Odires Laszlo, João Loureiro, Fabio Morais, Rosângela Rennó, Dias & Riedweg, Marco Paulo Rolla, Daniel Senise, Ana Maria Tavares and Carla Zaccagnini.
Livre Tradução [Free Translation] presented works that in different ways employ procedures similar to those used in books, catalogs and encyclopedias, such as aphorisms, quotations, footnotes, translations and articles, such as Trianon (2010) from the Portuguese artist Gabriela Albergaria. The series is the result of researchs developed by Albergaria with the trees of Trianon Park. Located in the heart of São Paulo (Av. Paulista), the park is one of the very last venues inside town that preserved its original Atlantic Forest. Livre Tradução presented four polyptychs of the series, they are: Pau Ferro, Araribá Rosa, Jatobá and Jequitibá.
Maurice Ianês presented two works derived from his reflections on language employing literary and philosophical content. Ianês resumes on the works aphorisms published in Tractatus Logico-Philosophicus from Ludwig Wittgenstein, overwriting the original German version with its Portuguese one. The works depict a series of aphorisms which appear in the last pages of the book in a personal hierarchical order. Similar procedure appears in the series Marathon (2006) of Marilá Dardot that highlights sentences about forgiveness taken from books of Jorge Borges, TS Elliot and Ezra Pound. Dardot also presented the installation Glossary – to live in the big city (2008).
Livre Tradução also includeded works by Dora Longo Bahia, Leya Mira Brander, Chelpa Ferro, Detanico Lain, Odires Laszlo, João Loureiro, Fabio Morais, Rosângela Rennó, Dias & Riedweg, Marco Paulo Rolla, Daniel Senise, Ana Maria Tavares and Carla Zaccagnini.

Photo Rafael Cañas
Photo Rafael Cañas
Photo Rafael Cañas
Photo Rafael Cañas
Photo Rafael Cañas
Photo Rafael Cañas
Photo Rafael Cañas
Photo Rafael Cañas
Photo Rafael Cañas
Photo Rafael Cañas
Photo Rafael Cañas
Photo Rafael Cañas
Photo Rafael Cañas
Photo Rafael Cañas
Photo Rafael Cañas
Photo Rafael Cañas
Photo Rafael Cañas
Photo Rafael Cañas
Photo Rafael Cañas
Photo Rafael Cañas
Photo Rafael Cañas
Photo Rafael Cañas
Photo Rafael Cañas
Photo Rafael Cañas