Galeria Vermelho and Goethe-Institut São Paulo, present, from 3 to 21 April, the individual exhibition of the artist Julian Rosefeldt.
Rosefeldt, that participated of 26ª Biennial of São Paulo, in 2004, presents “Asylum” (2001/02), film-installation that approaches the subject of illegal immigration in the reunified Germany. Composed of nine films of varied durations, shot in 16 mm (five of them will be presented at Galeria Vermelho), “Asylum” counts with 120 guests that Rosefeldt met in asylums for foreigners, bars and institutions in Germany. According to the artist, “Asylum” intends to confront the observer with his/her ideals of world, questioning on one hand the idea of “Stranger”, and, on another, the nonsense of the daily behaviors, ritualized suggesting the illusion of individuality. In the installation nothing happens by chance. The movement of the “actors” was completely choreographed and appears in the repetitive, monotonous and endless displacement of the actors and of the camera. As Sísifo, the protagonists of “Asylum” are submitted to the nonsense, repeating, indefinitely, meaningless activities impersonating the battle of humanity in search of a sense for life.
Besides “Asylum“, Rosefeldt also presents the video monochannel “Lonely Planet“, created in 2006.
Galeria Vermelho and Goethe-Institut São Paulo, present, from 3 to 21 April, the individual exhibition of the artist Julian Rosefeldt.
Rosefeldt, that participated of 26ª Biennial of São Paulo, in 2004, presents “Asylum” (2001/02), film-installation that approaches the subject of illegal immigration in the reunified Germany. Composed of nine films of varied durations, shot in 16 mm (five of them will be presented at Galeria Vermelho), “Asylum” counts with 120 guests that Rosefeldt met in asylums for foreigners, bars and institutions in Germany. According to the artist, “Asylum” intends to confront the observer with his/her ideals of world, questioning on one hand the idea of “Stranger”, and, on another, the nonsense of the daily behaviors, ritualized suggesting the illusion of individuality. In the installation nothing happens by chance. The movement of the “actors” was completely choreographed and appears in the repetitive, monotonous and endless displacement of the actors and of the camera. As Sísifo, the protagonists of “Asylum” are submitted to the nonsense, repeating, indefinitely, meaningless activities impersonating the battle of humanity in search of a sense for life.
Besides “Asylum“, Rosefeldt also presents the video monochannel “Lonely Planet“, created in 2006.